Contribution Policies
American Classic Pedigrees is a free-access resource committed to helping owners, breeders, fans and anyone who loves horses to educate themselves regarding the history and pedigrees of Thoroughbreds in the Americas. Contributions of material regarding individual horses or more general topics related to Thoroughbred breeding are welcome under the following conditions.
Written materials
All written materials must be your own work and are subject to fact-checking, editing, revision and publication on this site at my discretion. All contributions accepted for publication on site will be acknowledged with a byline at the conclusion of each article. I will be happy to include a link to your personal website or other contact information if you wish.
Photographs and artwork
Photographs and artwork must clearly represent the horse identified as the subject unless intended for illustration of written material on a general breeding topic: no cartoons or caricatures, please. Please do not send photographs or digital copies of artwork unless you are the copyright owner of the work in question. Each photograph or artwork accepted for publication on the site will be captioned to show the owner and the fact that the material is being used by permission. As with written materials, I will post a link to your personal website or other contact information in a byline at the bottom of the page at your request.
Terms of use
By submitting materials to this site, you are giving permission for the materials to be published on this site without any payment or royalty to you under the conditions given above. You retain all other rights to your work under applicable copyright laws, and I will not republish your work on any other site or in another format without your express written consent.